The Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi: A Celebration of Florentine Traditions in America

The Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi saw nine members engaged in performances during the semifinals of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2024.

First Stop: Springfield, Massachusetts

The Bandierai performed their first show in Springfield, Massachusetts, in front of the Italian community, at the historic former arsenal building.

The event was attended by Honorary Consul Paul Picknelly and the Consul General of Boston. The historic atmosphere of the Arsenal added solemnity to the performance.

Second Stop: Boston, Massachusetts

In Boston, the Bandierai performed at Northeastern University to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Italian Republic, organized by the Boston Consulate.

The next day, we performed at Boston’s old port, a historic site where the statue of Columbus once stood.

Third Stop: Rose Tree Park, Philadelphia

At Rose Tree Park, Philadelphia, the Bandierai participated in the Italian-American Heritage Festival. The large audience participation made the event exciting.

Fourth Stop: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The final stop took place in Philadelphia, during the ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the twinning between Florence and Philadelphia. Consul Cristiana Mele was present.

The execution of the national anthems and a performance in front of City Hall concluded the tour splendidly.

The 2024 Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi was a great success. We thank the Italian communities, the Consulates, and the local organizers for the warm welcome.

Our journey concluded with gratitude towards everyone and with enthusiasm for future engagements, continuing to spread Florentine traditions around the world.

750 Years of the Proclamation of Rothenburg ob der Tauber as an Imperial City

In the heart of Franconia, amidst the ancient walls and picturesque landscapes of Bavaria, a celebration of extraordinary historical importance took place: the 750th anniversary of the proclamation of Rothenburg ob der Tauber as an imperial city.

The Bandierai degli Uffizi, with their skill and tradition, were invited to participate in this memorable event, bringing with them the art and culture of Florence.

The participation in the celebrations of Rothenburg ob der Tauber was not only an opportunity to showcase our abilities, but also represented an important moment of cultural exchange between two cities rich in history and tradition. Florence and Rothenburg share a common heritage of artistic and architectural beauty, and this event strengthened the bonds of friendship between our communities.

the Bandierai degli Uffizi

(Italiano) Raccolta Fondi per le strutture ospedaliere cittadine

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